Friday, July 17, 2009

It Could Have Been More Than a Wage

Outfit details:
White button-down shirt: Target, recently remixed
Navy sweater-vest: Old Navy
Black pencil skirt: Old Navy, remixed
Navy pumps: Kmart, recently remixed

Work, another interview, more work

So, I got a follow-up to the interview I had on Wednesday. I feel like this one went well too,so I really hope I'll get an offer! I have to take a typing test on Monday, though, so I'm going to spend the weekend practicing my gimpy typing skills. Come on, arm, don't fail me now!!

I had to come up with something interview appropriate but different than what I wore on Wednesday for my interview/meeting today. I've worn a similar thing to interviews before. I love this skirt because it is so comfy and flattering, and I felt confident, business appropriate, and comfortable in this. Plus, as Joe pointed out, I "look smart in those glasses!" I also liked that I kept a pretty muted color palette for both of the interviews. I don't want to seem boring, but those bright orange shoes can make an unwanted statement.

Have a great weekend, everyone! I'll be typing all weekend; what are your plans?

Title song: Spoon, "Lines in the Suit"

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