Sunday, July 5, 2009

I Took a Chance and Changed Your Way of Life

Don't let the sun go down on me
Outfit details:
Black tank top: Old Navy
Darkwash jeans: thrifted, originally Gap, remixed
Scarf: beach shop in Mexico, remixed
Sandals: "Delicious" via, recently remixed

Breakfast at Au bon pain, day at the 'Tute

This kind of outfit falls directly into my "comfort zone"...if I had to define my personal style with one outfit, this might be it. That being said, it isn't my absolute favorite, just a good classic ensemble. On another note, I love my new sandals!! I kept the rest of my outfit simple, classic, and comfy for my day at the museum. Plus, it allows my new awesome shoes to shine.

So because of Chicago's ridiculously-timed "4th" of July fireworks, the actual 4th of July never feels like a holiday. I never know quite what to do with the day, but with my sister in town we figured that sight-seeing was a good option. As I've mentioned, I love me a good trip to the Art Institute, so we gave M. the best darn tour ever. The Modern Wing is so amazing and huge, and we had a ball looking at all the amazing pieces of art. It also happened to be raining cats and dogs on the 4th, so we were happy to have spent our holiday looking at this:

This one is M.'s favorite!

Title song: Elton John, "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me"

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